Friday, August 24, 2012

Microsoft reveals a new logo. A change or a new beginning after 25 years.

Microsoft revealed it's new logo on 23th August 2012. The technology giant has changed it's logo after 1987, after long 25 years. This new logo appeals changes to it's new range of products form Windows 8 to Windows Phone 8 to Microsoft Office 2013. It's more like Windows new Metro UI, UI with tiles; So the logo has four colored tiles.

Microsoft has got colored logo first time and first time it has got some picture in it. Otherwise it was always been black text and only text 'Microsoft'.
The logo has changed for 5th time, you can see the changes in the logo over the years in the image down here.The new logo is in the font 'Segoe'. Note the characters 'f' and 't', they are left attached like last in logo.
       Microsoft's Jeff hansen revealed this new logo saying
"signal the heritage but also signal the future - a newness and freshness."  
Well said man.

     This logo is more influenced by  Windows 8's Metro UI. Windows 8's logo also has four tilted tiles, remember ? This new UI is gonna change completely how world has been using PC. Though this UI is designed optimally for tablets, it looks and feels great on PC and mobiles too.  Company's new products and even their many sites are now following this kind of UI, and keep in mind this is gonna be the future.
      This logo is already out on company's site, it's official facebook and twitter pages as well as many of it's offices.
      Watch following video about launch of this new logo.